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Get started quickly


The framework is currently under development, please use it with caution!

Introduction to the article

This section will show you how to create your bot using a lightning bot. The project runs on lightning scaffolding and allows the installation of plugins from the store.

Environment preparation

Install Python

This robot framework is based on Python 3.13+, please make sure your system has Python 3.13+ installed. If you haven't already, follow the instructions below to install it.

Install Python on Windows

  1. Click here to access the Python download page.
  2. Select the appropriate version according to your system type and download it. If you're not sure if it's x86 or x64, choose the x86 version. If you already have Python 3.13+ installed on your system, you don't need to install it.
  3. Once downloaded, double-click to open the downloaded program and click Next.
  4. Tick the "Add Python to PATH" option.
  5. Click the "Install Now" button and wait for the installation to complete.
  6. Restart your computer. At this point, your Python has been successfully installed.

Install the scaffolding

  1. Click here to download the latest version of scaffolding. In the subsequent process, run the command in the directory where the downloaded file was downloaded, and in Windowds, replace lrcli with lrcli.exe.

  2. Run the following command to check the version number

lrcli version

Normally, he should return:


Create a project

Go to your working directory (#) and run the following command to create a bot project:

lrcli create

Then, answer a few simple questions and your bot project is created. Normally, the process should look like this:

lrcli create
      _      _       _     _         _             _____       _           _
     | |    (_)     | |   | |       (_)           |  __      | |         | |
     | |     _  __ _| |__ | |_ _ __  _ _ __   __ _| |__) |___ | |__   ___ | |_
     | |    | |/ _` | '_ | __| '_ | | '_  / _` |  _  // _ | '_  / _ | __|
     | |____| | (_| | | | | |_| | | | | | | | (_| | |   (_) | |_) | (_) | |_
     |______|_|__, |_| |_|__|_| |_|_|_| |_|__, |_|  ____/|_.__/ ___/ __|
            __/ |                         __/ |
           |___/                         |___/

 Lightning Robot ⚡
[Inquiry] project name
[Ask] which adapter to use
WARNING: pip is being invoked by an old script wrapper. This will fail in a future version of pip.
Please see for advice on fixing the underlying issue.
To avoid this problem you can invoke Python with '-m pip' instead of running pip directly.
[INFO] successfully installed the adapter pack lighteningrobot-adapter-console! (Source: PyPI)
[INFO] created successfully!

Run the bot

In the working directory where the command was executed, run the command:

lrcli runbot

to run the bot.